Resources for Perpetrators of Domestic Violence in Brisbane Domestic violence is a pervasive issue that affects countless lives, leaving a trail of physical and emotional scars in its wake. While much attention is focused on supporting victims, it is equally essential to address the root of the problem – the perpetrators. Recognising the potential for change, several resources are available to help individuals who have engaged in domestic violence to break the cycle of abuse and learn healthier ways of...
The Impact of Criminal Law in Family Law Jurisdiction Criminal Law in family law: Pursuant to section 61DA of the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth), the presumption of equal shared parental responsibility exists within family law proceedings. However, this presumption does not apply in circumstances where parents have engaged in family violence due to the effect of section 61DA(2)(B). Effect of Family Violence Orders on Parenting Orders The Family Court may enforce a Family Violence Order against a parent of...
Breaching Domestic Violence Order? What to do? What is a Domestic Violence Order (DVO)? Domestic Violence Order (‘DVO’), also known as “protection” or “restraining” orders are made by the court to prevent domestic violence against the person bringing the application (“the aggrieved”). The imposition of a Domestic Violence Orders will generally impose certain conditions against the person committing the violence (“the respondent”) and prevent any further violence from occurring. Both conditions and the DVO itself are very serious, and any...