Legal Considerations for Same-Sex Couples in Family Law Matters in Cairns In recent years, Australia has made significant strides towards recognising and affirming the rights of same-sex couples in various legal aspects, including family law. Cairns, a city known for its cultural diversity and openness, reflects these progressive changes. In this blog, we'll explore the legal considerations for same-sex couples in family law matters in Cairns, Queensland. Marriage Equality and Recognition: Cairns, like the rest of Australia, celebrates marriage equality....
Breaches of Financial Court Orders and Enforcement [caption id="attachment_14773" align="alignright" width="350"] Breaches of Financial Court Orders and Enforcement[/caption] Breaches of Financial Court Orders are common, though not ideal in Family Law matters, especially for property matters where large sums of money are to be paid and transfer of property is to be arranged. In general, financial orders require payment of a sum of money or the transfer of property/chattels. When a party refuses or fails to pay the sum or...