Arbitration offers an alternative pathway for resolving disputes within the framework of family law proceedings, blending efficiency and flexibility while respecting the consent of the involved parties. Under the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth), Section 13E empowers the Family Court to refer matters to arbitration with the parties' agreement, enabling a private arbitrator to adjudicate disputes outside the courtroom. This process, grounded in consent rather than judicial compulsion, provides a unique mechanism for dispute resolution. The legislation carefully delineates the...
File on the Commonwealth Courts Portal To access court documents or electronically file them on the Commonwealth Courts Portal, users firstly need to complete the registration process. This blog provides a step-by-step guide with visual aids to help you access your file. Please note: If you already have a file with the Court, you will need to link yourself to it using your file number and client number. It is crucial to ensure that all proceedings (past and future) involving...
Co-parenting during the Easter school holidays in Queensland, can present unique challenges, but with careful planning and communication, it can also be a rewarding experience for both parents and children. One option for dividing time during the Easter long weekend is to have one parent spend time with the children from 12:00 pm Easter Saturday until 12:00 pm Easter Sunday, and the other parent from 12:00 pm Easter Sunday until 12:00 pm Easter Monday. This allows both parents to have...
Cairns, nestled in the tropical paradise of Queensland, is a city that embraces cultural diversity. However, like any other community, it faces challenges, including the risk of international child abduction. In this blog, we delve into the legal recourse and prevention measures available to families in Cairns to address the complex issue of international child abduction. Understanding International Child Abduction [caption id="attachment_17733" align="alignright" width="350"] Child Abduction in Cairns[/caption] International child abduction occurs when a child is wrongfully taken across borders...
Parenting Arrangements in Brisbane [caption id="attachment_17699" align="alignright" width="350"] Parenting Arrangements Brisbane[/caption] As the summer school holiday period comes to an end in Brisbane, Queensland, parents find themselves navigating the complexities of parenting arrangements, especially when their children return to school. Managing this transition requires effective communication, planning, and a focus on the best interests of the child. One key aspect to consider is the importance of open and honest communication between co-parents. Clear communication helps in establishing a solid foundation...
Nestled in the tropical paradise of Queensland, Cairns is a vibrant city that boasts not only breathtaking natural beauty but also a dynamic legal environment. In this tropical haven, legal services play a pivotal role in ensuring that justice is served to its residents. One crucial aspect of this legal landscape is town agency lawyer services. This blog will delve into the role of our town agency lawyers in Cairns, especially their involvement in matters that may require appearances at...
Family Violence and Abuse Like all practitioners, the ICL is expected to be familiar with the relevant provisions of the Family Law Act 1975, the Family Law Rules, the Family Violence Best Practice Principles of the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia and the Family Court of Western Australia. The ICL must also be familiar with other relevant best practice guidelines and where relevant, the protocols between the court and state and territory departments responsible for the investigation of...
Property proceedings - Family Court of Australia - Full Court [caption id="attachment_11763" align="alignright" width="350"] Property proceedings - Family Court of Australia - Full Court[/caption] Barnell & Barnell [2020] FamCAFC 102 This case looked at the principles relevant to the assessment of contributions determining property proceedings pursuant to s 79 of the Family Law Act 1975 Applicable principles It is well-settled by the authority that the assessment of contributions under s 79 of the Act is not a mathematical exercise. Evaluating Disparate Contributions Contribution, either direct...
Can you use secret audio recordings in family law? As technology continues to evolve, it is becoming more common for clients to ask whether they can use secret audio recordings in their family law matters. Before you consider recording your conversation with the other party, there are several important factors that you need to consider, including: Whether the recording is legal to make in Queensland; Whether a Court will allow the recording to be used as evidence; and Whether you...
[caption id="attachment_12300" align="alignright" width="320"] Family violence in Australia[/caption] Unfortunately, statistics are on the rise for family violence in contemporary Australian society, with studies determining that individuals are most at risk at the time of or shortly following separation. Usually this is as a result of increased stress, financial pressure and uncertainty surrounding the family breakdown. The uncertainty of parenting arrangements yet to be determined and property settlements that are not yet resolved can cause heightened emotions. Family violence in Australia...