If you find yourself in a situation where changing a child's name is necessary but obtaining consent from the parents listed on the original birth certificate proves challenging, you may need to seek an Order from the Magistrates Court. Here's a concise guide to help you through this endeavour. Step 1: Initiating the Process [caption id="attachment_17681" align="alignright" width="350"] Name Change Process[/caption] Begin by completing the Originating Application (Form 5), available on the court's website. This form must be submitted in...
Are you considering changing your child’s name? For children born or adopted in Queensland, parents may change their child’s first name once before the child turns one (1) and parents may change their child’s family name no more than once every twelve (12) months. Both parents must consent to the change of name and the child himself or herself must consent to the change, if they are over twelve (12) years of age. To change your child’s name there are...