The Psychological Impact of Separation on Children: Offering guidance on how parents can support their children during and after a separation [caption id="attachment_17065" align="alignright" width="300"] Supporting Children Through Separation[/caption] Separation can be devastating for all individuals involved, particularly when there are children in the picture. Extensive social science research demonstrates that the effects of separation upon children can manifest in multiple ways throughout their development. A major life change, such as divorce or a de facto relationship breakdown, can foster...
Children with special needs may require a higher level of care from their parents and caregivers, depending on the nature of their disability. In circumstances where parents of children with special needs have separated, their parenting Orders should be tailored to suit the circumstances of their child’s medical, educational and therapeutic requirements. The Family Law Act 1975 does not distinguish between the best interests of a neurotypical child and a special needs child, although these can be significantly different depending...
What does Parental Conflict Impact on Children? Parenting disputes involving high levels of conflict and animosity between the parties often lead to children of the relationship developing emotional, social, and behavioural problem in addition to negatively impacting concentration and educational achievement. These conflicts also affect how children view the safety and security of their homes, as they often blame themselves for the Parental Conflict. Parenting arrangements involving high levels of conflict and anger post-separation are twice as likely to foster...