Joint Collaborative Mediation with a collaborative trained solicitor and psychologist I am an Accredited Family Law Specialist. Over the many years that I have been in practice I have been involved in all facets of Family Law Brisbane and in all areas of Family Law mediation varying from the basic Legal Aid Conferencing to participating in mediation as a lawyer to clients and in the capacity as a mediator. I have observed legal professionals acting as mediators and have observed...
The holiday season is supposed to be a time of togetherness and joy. In particular, children are able to experience the wonderment of the Christmas celebrations in a way that is very unique. However, since family members may not always get along, holiday family gatherings can bring out conflict, stress and even more tension. When splitting the responsibility of parenting it is important to minimise conflict. Here’s some well-intended advice on getting through this holiday season if you share parenting...
The YES Vote Wins! So where to from here, and what does it mean for same sex rights? It was an awesome sight to see how Australia stood still to hear the news that, we the people, voted in the majority to legally allow same sex couples to marry. The emotion and expression from so many who have been waiting for this day for so long were touching (even for us seasoned Family Lawyers). This is a truly progressive and...
The principals in the legislation QLD are summarised as follows: “The law will take the view that parenting is a responsibility which should be shared and, in most cases, parents will need to consult and agree on the major of issues affecting their children.” “Where both parents share responsibility, consideration will also be given to the children spending equal or at least substantial time with both parents providing that this is practical and not contrary to the best interests of...
Family Law Act amendments from Federal Government The Family Law Act amendments occurred in 2002 to deal with superannuation. It gave power to the Court to deal with superannuation entitlements. The amendments allowed the Court to transfer entitlements in the fund of one of the parties to the other. The person receiving the benefit of the entitlement in the other party’s fund would keep that entitlement in the fund or roll the entitlement out into a fund of that party’s...
Family Law Arbitrators: Charles Noble and James Noble are proud members of the National body for family law arbitrators and mediators know as AIFLAM. The Institute of Arbitrators and Mediators Australia promotes the attractions of mediation and arbitration as a means of dispute resolution amongst both practitioners and the wider community. Taken from the aiflam website: Aiflam History In 1988 the Family Law Council presented its report ‘Arbitration in Family Law’ to the Commonwealth Attorney-General. The report recommended the establishment of an arbitral...
Understanding Shared Parental Responsibility Shared parental responsibility is governed by the Family Law Act, which determines where children should live and how much time they should spend with each parent or other significant adults in their lives. This law, implemented in 2006, emphasises the need for both parents to consult and agree on major decisions affecting their children. Key Principles of the Legislation The legislation in Queensland outlines that: Parenting is a Shared Responsibility: The law generally requires parents to...