Breaches of Financial Court Orders and Enforcement [caption id="attachment_14773" align="alignright" width="350"] Breaches of Financial Court Orders and Enforcement[/caption] Breaches of Financial Court Orders are common, though not ideal in Family Law matters, especially for property matters where large sums of money are to be paid and transfer of property is to be arranged. In general, financial orders require payment of a sum of money or the transfer of property/chattels. When a party refuses or fails to pay the sum or...
Can Family Court Make An Order In Relation To An Unborn Child? No! The Family Court is powerless to make orders prior to the birth of the child. As a family lawyer, I often receive inquiries from soon-to-be fathers wanting to know their rights in relation to their unborn child. In a recent matter, the father gave instructions in relation to his partner’s pregnancy. The expected date of birth of the child was three weeks from the date I received...
How to find the best Family Lawyer for you With so many law firms to choose from it can be a difficult process to choose just the right lawyer for your needs. In this post, we’ll note a few things to be mindful of when deciding on the best family law firm for you. Do They Specialise In Family Law? Some law firms are highly specialized, while others seem to try to cover virtually every possible aspect of the law....
Preparing For A Conciliation Conference? For a conciliation conference, you must exchange information with each other and provide information to the Court before the conference. So that you and your former partner make the best possible use of the conference, In a case about financial issues, each party must have exchanged copies of relevant financial documents with the other parties at least two days before the Case Assessment Conference. If the following documents were not exchanged prior to that conference,...
James Noble Family Law - A Brisbane Law firm Welcome to Brisbane law firm with more experience than just about any other. Accredited Specialist James Noble has been practicing in the Family Law field for about 40 years. What he doesn’t know about family law in Brisbane and Australia is not worth knowing. The James Noble Family Law name is changing to reflect the new direction the firm is taking in expanding its law services. Combined with the introduction of...
Is Private Arbitration law for you? Did you know that you can get an impartial, independent decision regarding the division of your relationship property (and even your child custody matters) from an experienced Brisbane family lawyer who can make, essentially, the same decision as a Judge so you can move on quickly? How is Private Arbitration law? Not many people know that there are some very experienced family lawyers in Brisbane (make sure you get an Accredited Specialist Family Lawyer...