Financial Settlement issues What Happens to Home Loans, Mortgages, and Properties After Divorce? One of the biggest concerns of parties whose marriage has broken down is what happens to financial settlement resources and debt during this process. When it comes to matrimonial assets, one of the main considerations is whether the party who resides in the main property has the capacity to maintain the residence during interim and final proceedings. Whilst it is important that the matrimonial home is maintained...
Australian divorce law property settlement, How Your Ex Can End Up With Your Estate? "Australian divorce law property settlement", says A breakdown of a relationship can be one of the hardest times in a person’s life. During this time, individuals often undergo immense changes to routine, living environments, and lifestyle. In the midst of grieving, possibly moving to a new residence, organizing your affairs, and trying to get your life back on track, it’s easy to forget some of the...
Sentimental Value in Property Settlement In determining how the property pool is split, the Court has previously highlighted the difficult and sometimes unique circumstances where one party may have sentimental value in an asset. In one particular case, the Husband of the proceedings was given 14 days to retrieve the ashes of his deceased parents which had been laid in a memorial on the family farm. During the divorce proceedings, the farm had been awarded to the wife. Sentimental Value...
Who Keeps the Engagement Ring Law after Separation? [caption id="attachment_11754" align="alignright" width="350"] Engagement Ring Law[/caption] Who keeps the engagement ring after divorce/separation according to engagement ring law? One of the big questions couples have after a relationship breaks down is what happens to the engagement ring. The issue of which party has a claim to this item can be contentious, with many different opinions based on tradition, morals, and conventions. Where parties are disputing the ownership of the ring, this...
Firstly, what is a property settlement? When it comes to property settlement, Put simply, the division of assets when a relationship breaks down, enabling both parties to sever financial and material ties with one another so they can better move on with their lives, requires a property settlement. A property settlement will also include the distribution of liabilities, such as unpaid loans and credit card debt. Some confuse a property settlement with who gets the house, but there’s more to it than...
Divorce property settlement examples Hang on. If you are in a relationship, does your partner have an interest? Unfortunately, the winning may not all be yours. How would be the Family Court view on "Divorce property settlement examples" for a gold lotto prize? A windfall can either be a sizable inheritance or a lotto win. In the eyes of the Family Court, an inheritance is treated differently to a lotto win. The Family Court has great difficulty in distinguishing...
Want Separation? Do Negotiation, Collaborative Practice, Mediation to resolve all the issues arising from a separation We want to separate. Where do we go from here? It's very important to do negotiation, collaborative practice, and mediation before separation. Many couples who separate can agree on what they wish to happen in relation to a distribution of their assets and if there are children, the arrangements which they wish to make and put in place for the children’s future. When couples...