Marriage Separation Process in Australia (Marriage, Families and Separation Brochure, Certificate) Marriage Separation Process in Australia or in your family. What does it mean for you? Have you clearly thought it through? This could be one of the most traumatic experiences a family will face. Family Separation can be devastating for everyone involved. How well you handle a separation will impact on how well you and your family cope now and in the future. Are the traumas and conflicts that...
How to Obtain an Australian Child Passport for My Child After Separation? Before obtained an Australian Child Passport, the Passport Office requires the child’s parent or any other person with parental responsibility to provide written consent to the passport being issued. Therefore, the easiest way to obtain an Australian Child Passport is to receive consent from the other parent. However, this will not always be possible. In circumstances where the other parent refuses to provide written consent or does not...
Do Grandparents Have Legal Rights in Australia? Grandparents rights qld in Australia: The Family Law Act states the importance of children having a relationship with grandparents and other significant family members. Although The Family Law Act ( GRANDPARENTS EXTENDED FAMILY ) does not give Grandparents rights to see their grandchildren, it does provide the right to seek Court Orders which would allow them to spend time with the children. In some situations, the orders sought from the Court may include an...
Contesting A Deceased Estate If you believe that a deceased friend or family member’s Will does not reflect their last wishes or are concerned with the circumstances and nature of an updated will, you may challenge the validity of the Will. This situation commonly arises where the deceased friend or family member may not have been in the right state of mind to understand what they were doing, or if a fellow family member has manipulated the person's wishes. To...
What Does Structural Reform of the Federal Court Mean To You? On 30 May 2018, the Government proposed to establish the new Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (FCFCA), amalgamating the two courts together under a new regime. In addition to this proposed structure, a new Family Law Appeal Division will be created to hear appeals from the FCFCA regarding family law matters. The implementation of the new structure commenced operation on 1 January 2019. There will now be...
The principals in the legislation QLD are summarised as follows: “The law will take the view that parenting is a responsibility which should be shared and, in most cases, parents will need to consult and agree on the major of issues affecting their children.” “Where both parents share responsibility, consideration will also be given to the children spending equal or at least substantial time with both parents providing that this is practical and not contrary to the best interests of...
How To Be A Responsible Shared Parent Shared parental responsibility: Where the children should live and how much time they should spend with the other parent or other significant adults in their lives are now subject to the Family Law Act. This came into effect in 2006. The principals in the legislation QLD are summarised as follows: “The law will take the view that parenting is a responsibility which should be shared and, in most cases, parents will need to...