When couples separate, it is not uncommon for Party A to be named on title for the family home, while Party B is unnamed, even though Party B made substantial contributions to the relationship. This may be the result of Party A having purchased the home prior to the relationship commencing. If Party A is the sole registered owner of the home, this can pose a risk to Party B post separation, noting that Party A can sell the home...
Procedural fairness is a very wide legal concept related to whether a court has exercised fairness when arriving at an administrative decision. The idea ensures that the court has not arrived at a decision that may be unfair, unjust or inequitable. Splitting order [caption id="attachment_18212" align="alignright" width="350"] Procedural fairness[/caption] In family law, a splitting order is a common way to divide superannuation funds between parties. In the context of a superannuation split in family law, procedural fairness refers to ensuring...
Family law property disputes can be emotionally and financially draining for all parties involved. In Cairns, Queensland, mediation offers a constructive way to resolve these conflicts outside of the courtroom. Understanding the mediation process, its benefits, and how it operates within the context of Queensland's legal framework is essential for anyone navigating a family law property dispute. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the intricacies of family law property mediation in Cairns, Queensland, offering insights, tips, and essential information...
What is a property settlement? In basic terms, a property settlement determines how much you and your spouse will receive after all of the assets, liabilities and superannuation are identified. The property, assets and superannuation are jointly referred to as the property pool, which is what will eventually be divided and distributed between the parties. Common misconceptions [caption id="attachment_17778" align="alignright" width="350"] Property settlement[/caption] It is a common misconception that both parties to a property settlement will receive a 50/50 split...
Family law property settlements can be emotionally charged and complex, often requiring a delicate balance between legal expertise and empathetic understanding. In Cairns, the process of reaching a fair and equitable resolution is often facilitated through mediation. This blog explores the significance of family law property settlement mediations in Cairns, shedding light on the benefits of this alternative dispute resolution method and the unique considerations in this tropical Australian setting. The Importance of Mediation [caption id="attachment_17763" align="alignright" width="350"] Family Law...
Matrimonial Home Principles which are Applicable to Sole Use and Occupation The principles to be applied in making an order for sole use and occupancy of the former matrimonial home pursuant to s 114(1) of the Act are to be understood in light of the observations about the general nature of the injunctive powers of this section of the Act. They may be summarised as follows: a) the Court may make such an order as it thinks proper; b) there are no words...
Property proceedings - Family Court of Australia - Full Court [caption id="attachment_11763" align="alignright" width="350"] Property proceedings - Family Court of Australia - Full Court[/caption] Barnell & Barnell [2020] FamCAFC 102 This case looked at the principles relevant to the assessment of contributions determining property proceedings pursuant to s 79 of the Family Law Act 1975 Applicable principles It is well-settled by the authority that the assessment of contributions under s 79 of the Act is not a mathematical exercise. Evaluating Disparate Contributions Contribution, either direct...
Partial Property Distribution [caption id="attachment_15981" align="alignright" width="350"] Partial Property Distribution[/caption] Sections 79 and 80(1)(h) of the Family Law Act confer power on the Court to make orders for an interim property settlement including for litigation. Funding The relevant legal principles that apply are as follows: (1) Section 79 confers a discrete power to make orders for property settlement and the Court may exercise that power through a succession of orders until the power is exhausted or until a final order...
Matrimonial Property Concepts And Principles Section 114(3) of the Family Law Act relevantly provides that: A court exercising jurisdiction under this Act in proceedings other than proceedings to which subsection (1) applies may grant an injunction, by interlocutory order or otherwise (including an injunction in aid of the enforcement of a decree), in any case in which it appears to the court to be just or convenient to do so and either unconditionally or upon such terms and conditions as...
Property issues in a de facto relationship Australia The Family Court of Australia has jurisdiction under the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) (“the Act”) to determine matters relating to property as between parties who have not been married, where the parties have lived in a de facto relationship for a period of no less than two years and the relationship finally ended after 1 March 2009, the date on which the particular provisions of the Act commenced. The touchstone or foundational...
The Kennon Principle- Kennon & Kennon [1997] FamCA 27; (1997) FLC 92-757 (“Kennon”). Violent Conduct & The Effect On Property Issues. [caption id="attachment_13897" align="alignright" width="350"] Violent Conduct & The Effect On Property Issues[/caption] Where there is a course of violent conduct by one party towards the other during the marriage which is demonstrated to have had a significant adverse impact upon that party’s contributions to the marriage, or, put the other way, to have made his or her contributions significantly more arduous than they ought to...
Divorce and Property Settlement: Can you do one without the other? It is a common assumption that parties have that you can not reach a financial settlement without being divorced and this is simply not true. For parties to reach a property settlement you and your spouse do not need to be divorced. Securing a divorce and obtaining a property settlement are considered two separate matters for example, a divorce is an Order which is made by the Court which...
Priority Property Pool As a way of reducing lengthy delays, the Federal Circuit Court and Family Court of Australia developed the Priority Property Pool 500 List ( PPP500 ). This list deals with matters where the property pool is less than $500,000. The aim of the PPP500 pilot is to improve the responsiveness of the family court system and minimize risk and legal costs for vulnerable parties. At James Noble Law, we have achieved just, efficient and timely resolutions using...
What are Consent Orders? A Consent Order is made by the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia formalising an agreement reached between parties after separation about parenting and/or property matters. A parenting order will only become legally binding if deemed to be in the best interests of the child. As a legally binding Order, each person affected by the Order must follow it. A parenting order deals with a range of issues, including but not limited to: Who the child will reside with; How much time the child will spend with each parent; Whether one or both parents...
A Consent Order is a quickest and most cost-effective way to formalise an amicable property settlement agreement. If you and your former partner are able to reach an agreement as to how the property of the relationship is to be divided and, if that agreement is just and equitable, Consent Orders may be entered into. Consent Orders involve the filing of 2 separate documents, namely an Application for Consent Order (containing background information, the value of assets and liabilities, information regarding...
Divorce property settlement examples Australia: Following the recent separation of billionaires Bill and Melinda Gates after 27 years of marriage, it has been reported that the couple chose to separate amicably and to privately negotiate their property settlement outside of the Court and public eye. Upon the breakdown of a marriage or de facto relationship, parties can either negotiate and formalise a property settlement agreement privately (either by way of Consent Orders or a Binding Financial Agreement) or they can...
There are two (2) very important Statutory Time Limits in property settlements that are critical for family law matters which clients should be aware of. These are summarised below: [caption id="attachment_11527" align="alignright" width="305"] Statutory Time Limits in Property Settlements Australia[/caption] After a Divorce Order has been granted, parties have twelve (12) months from the date of the Divorce Order to commence Court proceedings seeking Orders for property settlement and/or spousal maintenance. Following the breakdown of a de facto relationship, parties have...
Some Common Family law Misconceptions Family law covers a whole spectrum of situations and legalities, and everyone’s circumstance is a little different. While there are definite laws in place, there are variations on these laws depending on the particular situation they are being applied to. Because the area of family law is so vast, many people harbor some common misconceptions about how family law works, and in many cases believe certain outcomes are rigid when they’re not. Let’s take a...