It is very important that your Will is always current and up to date. Why? If the Coronavirus Pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that the future is unknown and preparation is key. So, why should you update your Will? There are a number of reasons why this important task should be a priority for you. If anyone in your Will has died (i.e. Executor or Beneficiary), they should be removed. If your financial position has changed. If you have...
If the Billionaire Kobe Bryant Died in Australia, Who Will get his Properties? If Kobe Bryant was an Australian, resided in Queensland, and died without a valid Will (“intestate”) the laws of Queensland would decide how his vast estate would be divided. Because he had a wife and children it would work like this; His spouse would receive the first $150,000 of his overall estate and all of the household furniture and chattels. The remainder of his estate would then...
Australian divorce law property settlement, How Your Ex Can End Up With Your Estate? "Australian divorce law property settlement", says A breakdown of a relationship can be one of the hardest times in a person’s life. During this time, individuals often undergo immense changes to routine, living environments, and lifestyle. In the midst of grieving, possibly moving to a new residence, organizing your affairs, and trying to get your life back on track, it’s easy to forget some of the...
Are you thinking about doing getting a DIY Will Kit? DIY will Kit: The letters “DIY” seem to apply to just about everything these days, and one area of 'do it yourself that is growing in popularity is the DIY will kit. It’s advisable that we all have some type of will (no matter what), and with the internet making everything so accessible in the modern world, DIY will kit seems to be all the rage. Is a DIY Will...