How to Obtain an Australian Child Passport for My Child After Separation? Before obtained an Australian Child Passport, the Passport Office requires the child’s parent or any other person with parental responsibility to provide written consent to the passport being issued. Therefore, the easiest way to obtain an Australian Child Passport is to receive consent from the other parent. However, this will not always be possible. In circumstances where the other parent refuses to provide written consent or does not...
What should you do if Family Law Matter makes Delay? Merging Family Courts and Early Senate Reports The current structure of the Family Court of Australia and Federal Circuit court of Australia have led to systematic backlogs of cases, with Judges required to hear a multitude of matters on a single day. This has led many parties who have proceedings before the Court to be frustrated, and rightly so. The planned merging of the Family Court of Australia (FCA) and...
If the Billionaire Kobe Bryant Died in Australia, Who Will get his Properties? If Kobe Bryant was an Australian, resided in Queensland, and died without a valid Will (“intestate”) the laws of Queensland would decide how his vast estate would be divided. Because he had a wife and children it would work like this; His spouse would receive the first $150,000 of his overall estate and all of the household furniture and chattels. The remainder of his estate would then...
Property Valuation in Family Law Proceedings Commonly when two parties separate or divorce, the family home (also referred to as the matrimonial home) is typically the most valuable asset. As with most separations, one party moves out of the matrimonial home following the breakdown of the relationship, leaving questions of how much the house is worth? and which party owns it? Assets such as real property, which are generally the most fought over, require an updated valuation so the Court...
What is the family law act 1975? Family law act 1975 is the Laws relating to marriage and divorce and the reasons relating to marriage and with it and otherwise the financial responsibility of the parents of the children and the de-facto relationship and some other matters relating to divorce. What is the purpose of the Family law act 1975? The Family Law Act 1975 focuses on the rights of children and the responsibilities that every parent has towards their...
Online Divorce Application Options What Happens If My Ex Won’t Sign the Divorce Papers? Divorce can be a very difficult time in both parties’ lives. But here you can find a better solution for Online Divorce Application. Sometimes after the breakdown of a marriage, one party has difficulty in accepting this fact and may refuse to sign divorce papers. Other situations might involve a controlling ex-partner or parties who believe they will get back together. For whatever reason, if the...
Family Law System and Child Support What is the joint parliamentary committee inquiry about? The Prime Minister issued a media release on 17 September 2019 announcing the Government will undertake a Joint Parliamentary Committee of both the House and the Senate to conduct an inquiry into the Family Law system. The inquiry is to be led by Liberal MP Kevin Andrews. The inquiry was initially triggered by accusations that the court system as it currently stands is failing vulnerable Australians....
Do Grandparents Have Legal Rights in Australia? Grandparents rights qld in Australia: The Family Law Act states the importance of children having a relationship with grandparents and other significant family members. Although The Family Law Act ( GRANDPARENTS EXTENDED FAMILY ) does not give Grandparents rights to see their grandchildren, it does provide the right to seek Court Orders which would allow them to spend time with the children. In some situations, the orders sought from the Court may include an...
Can Family Court Make An Order In Relation To An Unborn Child? No! The Family Court is powerless to make orders prior to the birth of the child. As a family lawyer, I often receive inquiries from soon-to-be fathers wanting to know their rights in relation to their unborn child. In a recent matter, the father gave instructions in relation to his partner’s pregnancy. The expected date of birth of the child was three weeks from the date I received...
Binding Financial Agreement & Provisions of Family Law Act While binding financial agreement, Parties may wish to determine the ownership of their assets and liabilities whilst contemplating or living in a relationship (including same-sex relationships), contemplating entering into a marriage, during a marriage or after a divorce, may wish to set out terms in an agreement which determines how their property and liabilities should be determined should their relationship break down. Provisions in relation to Binding Financial Agreement came into...
Who Is Responsible For Payment of School Fees and Extra-Curricular Activities Post Divorce? A major concern amongst parents who have children under their care is the payment and costs associated with extra curricular activities. As sport, music, dance, and other similar activities are popular with children of all ages, the costs associated with these can be quite significant over a long period of time. Unlike child support payments which are determined upon set criteria and formula, non-periodic payments associated with...
Bankruptcy Act 1996 and Family Law Act 1975 - AustLII and Divorce Loopholes Under the bankruptcy act 1966 law, creditors are unable to claim against a person’s estate if that person has declared bankruptcy. However, there are certain situations where the bankruptcy act 1966 can be orchestrated to appear this way, so as to purposely avoid paying debts. Calls for Divorce Loophole Crackdown: Criminals Skirting the Law The recent case involving Michael Williamson, disgraced former Health Services Union Boss, highlights...
Social Media Feuds: How It Can Affect Your Family Law Matter Almost 11 Million Australians will use Facebook over the course of 2019. Like most people, Facebook is used as a platform to share your thoughts and experiences or listen to others. As such, it is not uncommon to across someone who has a frustrated or even angry view on a particular event or experience. Whilst this is often though of as a cathartic process, your electronic communications can easily...
Australian divorce law property settlement, How Your Ex Can End Up With Your Estate? "Australian divorce law property settlement", says A breakdown of a relationship can be one of the hardest times in a person’s life. During this time, individuals often undergo immense changes to routine, living environments, and lifestyle. In the midst of grieving, possibly moving to a new residence, organizing your affairs, and trying to get your life back on track, it’s easy to forget some of the...
Monitoring Spouses and Ex-Partners: Skirting a Fine Line During a breakdown of a relationship or marriage, an individual’s life (both personal and public) are usually retracted from the other party. This can be a strange time for some people, as many parties spend years intentionally or unintentionally knowing the whereabouts and doings of the other party. As this knowledge ceases quite suddenly, it is not uncommon for one party to try and find out what the other is up to....
Equal Shared Parental Responsibility A typical parenting order made by the Court will involve equal shared parental responsibility. This essentially means that both parents are required to consult each other on the major long-term issues of the children which relate to the order. Whilst the definition of “major issues” is not meant to be exhaustive, the five most common issues related to: The child’s education (both currently and any future needs); The child’s religious and cultural upbringing (this is particularly...
Domestic Violence in Australia & Property Matters The issue of family violence is currently governed by both the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) and the Family Law Legislation Amendment (Domestic Violence in Australia and Other Measures) Act 2011 (Cth). The recent amendments effectively change the Family Law Act to provide: Greater protection from harm when determining the child’s best interests; Changing the definition of ‘Family Violence’ and ‘Abuse’ to reflect a modern understanding of the terms; Providing a wider scope...
Can children decide which parents to live with? Which parents to live with? When determining the living arrangement for children post-separation, parents often wonder at what age can children decide who to live with themselves. It is important to understand there is no one standard age that must be met. The reality of this question is that each case is different. No specific age requirement exists under the current family law regime. Although many people believe a child who is...
Are you driving without a licence? if you are driving without a licence in the state of Queensland, and continue to drive, this is known as unlicensed driving. Typically, unlicensed driving occurs where individuals have lost their licence due to loss of demerit points, failing to obey fine orders by the court or having been found guilty of high-speed driving offences. Unlicensed driving is different from driving while disqualified. The offence for driving while disqualified applies only where a person...
What is a binding financial agreement? A Binding Financial Agreement is a private contract between two parties in which they are effectively finalizing property settlement and spousal maintenance issues outside of the Court. Also referred to as “pre-nups”, binding financial agreements are created between parties of a relationship or marriage to legally protect and allocate assets if the event the marriage ceases. Whilst many people believe planning for divorce before the marriage begins is controversial, a binding financial agreement is prudent estate planning, similar to...