Despite the Coronavirus pandemic continuing to make waves across the country, it is not compulsory to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Presently it is up to an adult individual to make this decision for themselves or a parent to make this decision for their underage child. The right to make such a decision is typically referred to as “freedom of choice”.
At James Noble Law we support and respect everyone’s right to make the choice whether to vaccinate or not, for themselves and their family. In circumstances where clients choose not to vaccinate, we are able to offer our clients individualized appointments via a number of electronic means including Microsoft Teams, Zoom, or telephone assuring you that your family law matter will be dealt with in a timely and cost-effective manner.
At present, the Federal Circuit Court and Family Court of Australia have issued a “Special Measures Information Notice – COVID-19 Hearing Protocol” which applies in all states except Western Australia. The Notice provides that for all matters within the Australian Court system, the Court will seek assurance from either legal representatives or self-represented litigants ahead of in-person hearings to confirm that all participants are at least double vaxxed.
This means that all people who propose to enter the Court must be able to show proof that they are at least double vaxxed against COVID-19 unless an exception applies (such as a medical exemption). Otherwise, access to the physical premise of the Court will be denied. In those circumstances, the Court will offer the alternative option of appearances to be conducted via Microsoft Teams.
As your solicitor, we may ask you to provide proof of your vaccination status as we are required to provide this information to the Court. However, there is no judgment and this is no barrier to us advocating on your behalf and navigating your matter through the Court system. Cross-examination and submissions can be effectively presented to the Court via Microsoft Teams were required to ensure the facilitation of the administration of justice.
If you are unvaccinated or still considering your options and require family law advice, please contact the Brisbane Family lawyers team at James Noble Law today for a FREE, no-obligation 20-minute consultation.
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