Family Dispute Resolution The merger of the courts on 1 September 2021 brought with it a shift in how family law cases proceed, with a greater emphasis on dispute resolution both before and during a proceeding, and new rules to facilitate that shift. See brochures: “Before you file – pre-action procedure for parenting cases” and “Before you file – pre-action procedure for financial cases” In both thee FCFCA and FCWA lawyers must assist their clients to comply with their duty...
How Australian Lawyers are getting hurt? Australian Lawyers getting hurt as a result of Covid-19 shutdowns. Digital Disruption leading them back to work. Like most other industries, the legal fraternity is seeing difficulties with the continuing lockdowns in many states and area hotspots. The legal profession can be proud of the way it has adapted to servicing clients and continuing to work from remote locations however some layers have seen their firms suffer financially as a result. Lawyers are using...
No-Fault Divorce in Australia For decades, if you wanted a divorce in Australia, you had to prove your spouse was to blame. No-fault divorce was not legal by local law. The grounds ranged from habitual drunkenness to adultery, and many cases involved the use of private investigators. Some couples who privately agreed to separate would even have to stage adulterous trysts for later evidential use in court. This all changed in 1975 with the introduction of "no-fault divorce" and the Family...
You have had counselling with your partner and possibly your own counselling to solve Parental Responsibilities. Matters cannot be resolved. You have received financial advice to know what your financial future holds. You have endeavoured in every way possible to negotiate with your partner but without success. The stumbling block seems to be who is to care for your children. However, you may have been successful in taking Parental Responsibilities. If you have been able to work out a parenting...
What are family report writer interview questions, Examples, Recommendations, and Interview What is Family Report? Before talking about family report writer interview questions, let's talk briefly about Family Report. A family report is a document written by a court-appointed family counselor. It provides an independent assessment of the issues in the case and can help the trial judge decide on child / rental arrangements. This can help the parties reach an agreement. What does a family report writer do for...
How to Obtain an Australian Child Passport for My Child After Separation? Before obtained an Australian Child Passport, the Passport Office requires the child’s parent or any other person with parental responsibility to provide written consent to the passport being issued. Therefore, the easiest way to obtain an Australian Child Passport is to receive consent from the other parent. However, this will not always be possible. In circumstances where the other parent refuses to provide written consent or does not...
What is the family law act 1975? Family law act 1975 is the Laws relating to marriage and divorce and the reasons relating to marriage and with it and otherwise the financial responsibility of the parents of the children and the de-facto relationship and some other matters relating to divorce. What is the purpose of the Family law act 1975? The Family Law Act 1975 focuses on the rights of children and the responsibilities that every parent has towards their...
Do Grandparents Have Legal Rights in Australia? Grandparents rights qld in Australia: The Family Law Act states the importance of children having a relationship with grandparents and other significant family members. Although The Family Law Act ( GRANDPARENTS EXTENDED FAMILY ) does not give Grandparents rights to see their grandchildren, it does provide the right to seek Court Orders which would allow them to spend time with the children. In some situations, the orders sought from the Court may include an...
What's the Solicitor's role in Family law proceedings? The role of solicitors in Family Law proceedings may not be known to the parties before commencing the legal representation. In the case of Simic& Norton [2017] FamCA 1007, Justice Benjamin was critical of both parties’ solicitors, describing their actions as fuelling a negative culture of “bitter adversarial and highly aggressive litigation”. His Honour referenced correspondence that had been sent between the solicitors which did not reflect the appropriate professionalism expected of...
Sentimental Value in Property Settlement In determining how the property pool is split, the Court has previously highlighted the difficult and sometimes unique circumstances where one party may have sentimental value in an asset. In one particular case, the Husband of the proceedings was given 14 days to retrieve the ashes of his deceased parents which had been laid in a memorial on the family farm. During the divorce proceedings, the farm had been awarded to the wife. Sentimental Value...
Who Keeps the Engagement Ring Law after Separation? [caption id="attachment_11754" align="alignright" width="350"] Engagement Ring Law[/caption] Who keeps the engagement ring after divorce/separation according to engagement ring law? One of the big questions couples have after a relationship breaks down is what happens to the engagement ring. The issue of which party has a claim to this item can be contentious, with many different opinions based on tradition, morals, and conventions. Where parties are disputing the ownership of the ring, this...
Australian Criminal Law The international US story of a 34-year-old female teacher (Letourneau) who seduced one of her 12-year-old students (Fualaau) into a relationship raises clear questions as to how this situation would be dealt with under Australian Criminal Law. Letourneau originally pleaded guilty to two counts of felony second-degree rape of a child in 1997 and was sentenced to seven years imprisonment as a result. As this is a US case, the legal position is slightly different in the...
What is Restorative Justice? Restorative justice is the principle of diverting offenders to rehabilitative services such as pre-court mediation, community conferencing between the offender/victim and engaging with specialised programs to reform criminal behaviour. The principles of restorative justice Queensland are reflected within a multitude of different legal instruments, such as the Youth Justice Act 1992 (Qld), the Penalties and Sentences Act 1992 (Qld) and the Criminal Code 1899 (Qld). What Does Restorative Justice Look Like? The police have the power to...
How Do Mental Health Conditions Affect Family Law Proceedings? If you have been diagnosed with a mental health condition, this can impact both child welfare/parenting arrangements addition to property disputes. However, a mental health condition does affect or have relevance to divorce proceedings (family law proceedings) (provided there are no children in the relationship). Mental Health in Parenting Disputes The first and foremost principle applied by the Court in any parenting proceeding is placing the welfare of the child as...
Important information and contact details about the Family Law Courts Brisbane The Family Law Courts Brisbane’ National Enquiry Centre (NEC) is the entry point for all telephone and email inquiries about Family Law Court matters in the Family Court of Australia and the Federal Circuit Court of Australia. [caption id="attachment_9140" align="aligncenter" width="529"] Harry Gibbs Commonwealth Law Courts Building[/caption] The NEC can assist with: Information about how to apply to the court Making urgent applications to the family law court Procedural...
Do you know the New Smoking Laws QLD? Current and New Smoking Laws QLD Australia New Smoking laws QLD was originally restricted in certain areas such as indoor dining areas and other licensed premises under the Tobacco and Other Smoking Products Act 1998 (Qld). Amendments to this legislation in 2004 resulted in stricter bans, with children’s playgrounds, stadiums, beaches, and near entrances of buildings and public transport making the list of restricted areas. Smoking laws subsequently included the outdoor eating...
A Simple Way To Find the Best Family Lawyer Brisbane That Works For You. You can find the best family lawyer Brisbane at any time nowadays. Depending on how long a couple has been together, separating can be a lengthy, sometimes confusing, and often painful process. Then there are all the legalities involved in the situation. Find the best Family Lawyer Brisbane that gives the right advice. This is one of the times in life where you need to find...
Brisbane Family Lawyers - James Noble Law at Business South Bank interview Charles Noble (Brisbane Family Lawyers) at James Noble Law in Brisbane was interviewed at the Business Southbank Showcase 2018. One of the key differences between James Noble Law and many of our colleagues at other law firms is our attention toward technology. We offer our clients an easy way to keep up to date on their matters and communicate with our lawyers whenever the need arises. From...
How to find the best Family Lawyer for you With so many law firms to choose from it can be a difficult process to choose just the right lawyer for your needs. In this post, we’ll note a few things to be mindful of when deciding on the best family law firm for you. Do They Specialise In Family Law? Some law firms are highly specialized, while others seem to try to cover virtually every possible aspect of the law....
How Do You Respond To A Legal Letter? If you have ever had a person serve you Court documents at your home or in public or you have ever had a legal letter sent to you out of the blue you know it can be an unnerving experience. Very often it catches you by surprise and elicits feelings of surprise, anger, disbelief, and often leads to a stressful time ahead. How do you respond to a legal letter? How To...