Are you considering changing your child’s name? For children born or adopted in Queensland, parents may change their child’s first name once before the child turns one (1) and parents may change their child’s family name no more than once every twelve (12) months. Both parents must consent to the change of name and the child himself or herself must consent to the change, if they are over twelve (12) years of age. To change your child’s name there are...
What is Binding Financial Agreement? A Binding Financial Agreement is a private contract between two parties in which they are effectively finalising property settlement and spousal maintenance issues outside of the Court. Binding Financial Agreements can be entered into: Before marriage; During marriage; After divorce; Before cohabitation; or During cohabitation. The benefit of entering into a Binding Financial Agreement The benefit of entering into a Binding Financial Agreement is that the Court will not review the terms of the agreement...
In parenting proceedings, parties are required to complete a Court form titled Notice of Child Abuse, Family Violence or Risk which discloses any allegations the parent may have against the other party which places children at risk. If a party alleges there is a drug or substance abuse problem on behalf of a parent, then that parent may be required, via Court Orders, to undertake some form of drug testing. The drug testing can include urine samples and hair follicle...
Punishment For Breach of a Family Court Order [caption id="attachment_11982" align="alignright" width="300"] Punishment For Breach of a Family Court Order[/caption] In a recent decision of the Family Court, it was ordered that a mother serve an immediate term of imprisonment of 14 days and further that she be subject to a further term of imprisonment of 14 days which will be fully suspended. This arose because the mother had failed on numerous occasions to allow her child to spend time...
What is Surrogacy Laws in Australia? [caption id="attachment_11834" align="alignright" width="300"] surrogacy laws in Australia[/caption] Every day the number of children born via surrogacy arrangements in Australia and overseas is increasing significantly. By definition, surrogacy is a form of assisted reproductive technology whereby a surrogate mother offers to carry a baby through pregnancy on behalf of another person or couple (who medically or socially are unable to carry a child of their own) and then relinquishes the baby to the intended...
[caption id="attachment_11837" align="alignright" width="300"] mental capacity assessment[/caption] Britney Spears is making international headlines yet again, but this time there’s no new album being released or a shot gun Las Vegas wedding. Ms Spears actively continues to strongly oppose the conservatorship which granted her Father control over her finances, financial and personal decisions that has been in place since 2008. Ms Spears primary objection is that the conservatorship is no longer warranted and that it has become oppressive and used as...
It is very important that your Will is always current and up to date. Why? If the Coronavirus Pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that the future is unknown and preparation is key. So, why should you update your Will? There are a number of reasons why this important task should be a priority for you. If anyone in your Will has died (i.e. Executor or Beneficiary), they should be removed. If your financial position has changed. If you have...
[caption id="attachment_11851" align="alignright" width="300"] Family Court jurisdiction support the child being vaccinated[/caption] Children Family Court Jurisdiction: In a recent decision in the Family Court found that it was very regrettably that the mother did not support the child being vaccinated. The Court considered that her opposition to the child being vaccinated, as the child’s principal carer, would likely complicate the process and make it much more difficult for the child. The Court considered that in these circumstances it would be...
More Funding for the Family Court and Federal Circuit Court of Australia. [caption id="attachment_11763" align="alignright" width="299"] Family Court of Australia[/caption] The recently announced 2021-2022 Budget has allocated $100 million over 4 years to the Family Court and Federal Circuit Court of Australia. It is hoped that this increased funding will assist in reducing the significant delays associated with the Court, which were amplified during the COVID-19 pandemic. The funding will also assist in improving safety measures for litigants, children and...
Covid-19 and Family Court of Australia With Melbourne currently in the midst of yet another lockdown as a result of the recent spread of Coronavirus, it’s important to know that the Courts remain up and running throughout this period. Did you know that there is a special dedicated COVID-19 Court List within the Family Court of Australia and the Federal Circuit Court of Australia? The COVID-19 List operates to deal exclusively with urgent family law matters that have arisen as...
Child support can be managed between the parties in a number of ways. Some parents prefer to and are able to have very flexible and informal arrangements between them. Others prefer that their arrangements are managed via the Child Support Agencies – and other parents formalise their arrangements via a Private Agreement. A private Agreement determines how the expenses which may not necessarily be covered or considered sufficient under a child support assessment, completed through the Child Support Agency, would be...
Are you separated under one roof? If you and your partner are contemplating a divorce, you have also most likely considered living separately during the process. Although it is a requirement for you and your partner to be separated for a minimum of 12 months prior to filing an Application for Divorce, there is no requirement for the parties to reside separately after the difficult decision to separate has been made. What is separated under one roof? It is extremely...
Parenting During Lock Down As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to disrupt daily life in Australia, the added stress and uncertainty on the potential impacts on parenting arrangements for separated parents is ongoing during these unprecedented times. The short answer is that if you have Court Orders they are still legally binding during the pandemic. However, parents may need to adopt a degree of flexibility in some circumstances. For example, if a changeover is to occur at school but the school...
Divorce property settlement examples Australia: Following the recent separation of billionaires Bill and Melinda Gates after 27 years of marriage, it has been reported that the couple chose to separate amicably and to privately negotiate their property settlement outside of the Court and public eye. Upon the breakdown of a marriage or de facto relationship, parties can either negotiate and formalise a property settlement agreement privately (either by way of Consent Orders or a Binding Financial Agreement) or they can...
Parenting Plan About Future Care Arrangements for your Children Are you and your former partner discussing the future care arrangements for your child or children? If so, perhaps consider entering into a Parenting Plan. It is a private agreement between two parents which can detail the agreed arrangements in relation to a child/children. This includes provisions for the time, school holidays, special occasions, telephone communication, etc. A Parenting Plan when signed by both parties then comes into effect. And it...
Are you considering applying for a Divorce in Australia? If you and your Husband or Wife have been separated for more than 12 months, then you can apply for a divorce in Australia to end the marriage. If for any period of the 12 months of separation you and your former partner were living together separated under the one roof, then you will need to file an affidavit explaining the circumstances to the Court and confirming that you and your...
Notice of Child Abuse, Family Violence, or risk in Parenting Proceedings If you commence or respond to parenting proceedings, you will be required to file a Notice of Child Abuse, Family Violence, or risk, an Application or Response will not be accepted for filing without the notice. This document alerts the Court to possible risks to the child or children or even the parties themselves involved in the litigation. The most prevalent risks are often categorized as neglect, emotional abuse,...
Mental Health and Family Law Separation is one of the most significant life events a person can experience. Worry, anxiety, and stress over the uncertainty surrounding the arrangements for the children, money, and a property settlement division can be extremely difficult to cope with under challenging circumstances. [caption id="attachment_11521" align="alignright" width="336"] Mental Health and Family Law[/caption] It’s therefore important that you prioritize your mental health and wellbeing during this time. Talk to your friends or family members for support. Take...
What Are You Worth in Your Property Settlement? That is (sometimes) the million-dollar question. In determining what a client is worth in a property settlement, we (and the Court) utilise a 4 step process. The 1st step is to determine the value of the net asset pool that is available for division between the parties. This includes adding up the value of all the assets (whether in one party’s name or joint names), taking away all the liabilities and then...
About The Lighthouse Project effect in Brisbane The Lighthouse Project came into effect in the Brisbane Registry of the Family and Federal Circuit Court of Australia in early 2021. It is a pilot program designed to assist the most vulnerable participants in parenting matters with concerns as to family violence, abuse or neglect, substance issues, and other safety issues. Why The Lighthouse Project? The main aim of The Lighthouse Project is to identify risk and provide parties with additional support...