The YES Vote Wins! So where to from here, and what does it mean for same sex rights? It was an awesome sight to see how Australia stood still to hear the news that, we the people, voted in the majority to legally allow same sex couples to marry. The emotion and expression from so many who have been waiting for this day for so long were touching (even for us seasoned Family Lawyers). This is a truly progressive and...
Divorce property settlement examples Hang on. If you are in a relationship, does your partner have an interest? Unfortunately, the winning may not all be yours. How would be the Family Court view on "Divorce property settlement examples" for a gold lotto prize? A windfall can either be a sizable inheritance or a lotto win. In the eyes of the Family Court, an inheritance is treated differently to a lotto win. The Family Court has great difficulty in distinguishing...
The principals in the legislation QLD are summarised as follows: “The law will take the view that parenting is a responsibility which should be shared and, in most cases, parents will need to consult and agree on the major of issues affecting their children.” “Where both parents share responsibility, consideration will also be given to the children spending equal or at least substantial time with both parents providing that this is practical and not contrary to the best interests of...
How to avoid the Court and the conflict that this entails? Overcome the conflict. Use your best endeavours to overcome the conflict. For the sake of your family, especially your children, learn to negotiate if possible, learn to overcome your animosity and talk to your former partner in a reasonable manner only if for a short period of time to reach a resolution that best suits your children, yourself and your former partner. Seek professional help to acquire these skills....
Family Law Act amendments from Federal Government The Family Law Act amendments occurred in 2002 to deal with superannuation. It gave power to the Court to deal with superannuation entitlements. The amendments allowed the Court to transfer entitlements in the fund of one of the parties to the other. The person receiving the benefit of the entitlement in the other party’s fund would keep that entitlement in the fund or roll the entitlement out into a fund of that party’s...
If the marriage separation process does occur. What should you do? A marriage separation process has three elements; Either party or both intend to end the relationship; Either party indicates that intention to the other party and; One of the parties or both parties act upon that intention to end the relationship and lead separate lives There are important things that you should consider if marriage separation is inevitable. If there are difficulties in your relationship look for a solution....
“Why should I support my wife/partner after we separate when I actually supported her and provided all our assets throughout our entire relationship.” Unfortunately, you may have a continuing financial obligation to your former partner. The Family Law legislation provides the basis for a Court determining the financial relationship of parties after separation. The relevant factors taken into account are: Length of relationship The longer the relationship the greater the interest of the other party in the assets acquired during...
The difficulties facing our client. We are dealing with a matter where the parents have separated and are having difficulties with their child who is 2 years of age. Alex (not his real name) is two years of age. He has a strong bonding relationship with his mother who has been the primary carer in his life. A child of this age, as noted in the enclosed articles, may stress at being separated from the bonded parent for an extended...
Are you considering separation? What to do if you are considering Separation? A separation in your family. What does it mean for you? Have you clearly thought it through? This could be one of the most traumatic experiences a family will face. Separation can be devastating for everyone involved. How well you handle a separation will impact how well you and your family cope now and in the future ? Are the traumas and conflicts that you are now facing...
Spousal maintenance Similar to child maintenance applications, a party can apply for spousal maintenance in the Court seeking financial support until all issues in the Court have been resolved. A spousal maintenance application can be made in its own right. It is not necessary to seek other financial relief from the other party. The Courts consider the income levels of both parties and the expenditure of each party for their day-to-day living and other expenses. If a person does not...
Child maintenance If negotiation fails, a party who has the care of the children can apply to the Child Support Agency for child support for the children. An application is made to the Agency and considered by the Registrar of that Agency. The child support payable is based on a formula which depends on the incomes of the parties and the care of the children. The Child Support Agency will determine the amount of child support payable, which is normally...
Want Separation? Do Negotiation, Collaborative Practice, Mediation to resolve all the issues arising from a separation We want to separate. Where do we go from here? It's very important to do negotiation, collaborative practice, and mediation before separation. Many couples who separate can agree on what they wish to happen in relation to a distribution of their assets and if there are children, the arrangements which they wish to make and put in place for the children’s future. When couples...
Is there family violence in your relationship? Are the stresses in your life caused by family violence, drugs or alcohol abuse by your partner? Family violence takes many forms. It is not necessarily verbal or physical violence. Many forms of violence are considered family violence under the legislation: It could be withholding financial support; Preventing you from socialising with your friends and associates; It could involve constant texting or emailing you with issues concerning your family. There are many forms...
How Do You Respond To A Legal Letter? If you have ever had a person serve you Court documents at your home or in public or you have ever had a legal letter sent to you out of the blue you know it can be an unnerving experience. Very often it catches you by surprise and elicits feelings of surprise, anger, disbelief, and often leads to a stressful time ahead. How do you respond to a legal letter? How To...
Family Law Arbitrators: Charles Noble and James Noble are proud members of the National body for family law arbitrators and mediators know as AIFLAM. The Institute of Arbitrators and Mediators Australia promotes the attractions of mediation and arbitration as a means of dispute resolution amongst both practitioners and the wider community. Taken from the aiflam website: Aiflam History In 1988 the Family Law Council presented its report ‘Arbitration in Family Law’ to the Commonwealth Attorney-General. The report recommended the establishment of an arbitral...
ALTERNATE DISPUTE RESOLUTION Shuttle Mediation has taken the place of true mediation. How to avoid litigation in the Courts. How can this be achieved? Prior to Mediation Matters may be achieved by way of negotiations between the parties themselves or by without prejudice negotiations with solicitors. With Solicitors, the meetings with clients can take place in the solicitor’s meeting rooms or at some neutral venue. Without prejudice, negotiations mean exactly that. No information provided in the meetings can be made...
Understanding Shared Parental Responsibility Shared parental responsibility is governed by the Family Law Act, which determines where children should live and how much time they should spend with each parent or other significant adults in their lives. This law, implemented in 2006, emphasises the need for both parents to consult and agree on major decisions affecting their children. Key Principles of the Legislation The legislation in Queensland outlines that: Parenting is a Shared Responsibility: The law generally requires parents to...
Understanding; Why should I get a top family lawyer? I wanted to write to you in the summary of the past 6 months, in the hope that it entertains and inspires other clients of yours. Please feel free to post this on your blog or social media channels. I am a 41-year-old male and proud father of one amazing little boy. I am now living with my new partner – happily ever after! Life has just started to settle down...
If you know what a town agent is then you have probably been faced with the conundrum of how to represent a client for a Court event or other legal matter in a location away from your locale. This may be interstate or a far enough distance to make it unviable to travel and keep costs down for your client. If you don’t, a town agent is someone who can represent your client in your stead in Court or elsewhere...
Disgruntled Husband or Wife in Relationship “Why should I support my wife/partner after we separate when I actually supported her and provided all our assets throughout our entire relationship.” Unfortunately, you may have a continuing financial obligation to your former partner. The Family Law legislation provides the basis for a Court determining the financial relationship of parties after separation. The relevant factors taken into account are: Length of Relationship The longer the relationship the greater the interest of the other...