James Noble Law - The James Noble Family Law near Brisbane James Noble Law will look for alternate resolutions to resolve family disputes to ease the emotional issues and to minimise financial costs. We will examine alternative dispute resolutions that may provide a more suitable resolution including negotiation, collaboration and mediation. All of our solicitors are admitted to practice in the Family Court of Australia, Federal Circuit Court of Australia and Supreme Court of Queensland. Our professional staff regularly conduct...
Best Time For Divorce The promotion of the best time for divorce is intended to bring attention to the importance of minimizing conflict between couples following the unfortunate breakdown of the relationship. Common in these situations, both parties will be subject to a wide range of difficult emotions; inevitably though, both parties will suffer. During these times of significant transition, children often find it difficult to cope with the vast number of events happening. Children may typically display and...
Breaching Domestic Violence Order? What to do? What is a Domestic Violence Order (DVO)? Domestic Violence Order (‘DVO’), also known as “protection” or “restraining” orders are made by the court to prevent domestic violence against the person bringing the application (“the aggrieved”). The imposition of a Domestic Violence Orders will generally impose certain conditions against the person committing the violence (“the respondent”) and prevent any further violence from occurring. Both conditions and the DVO itself are very serious, and any...
Better Health During Divorce Process Going through separation and the divorce process can be stressful on so many levels. That’s why it’s imperative you really make an effort to look after your health throughout the entires. How to survive the divorce process Getting sick or rundown is not going to help when you are facing the divorce process, so here are a few tips to stay mindful of as you strive to close this major chapter of your life. #1...
A Simple Way To Find the Best Family Lawyer Brisbane That Works For You. You can find the best family lawyer Brisbane at any time nowadays. Depending on how long a couple has been together, separating can be a lengthy, sometimes confusing, and often painful process. Then there are all the legalities involved in the situation. Find the best Family Lawyer Brisbane that gives the right advice. This is one of the times in life where you need to find...
Are you Getting Divorced? While we all want and need emotional support from those we are closest to when going through a marriage crisis and potential divorce, it’s not always wise to seek critical advice about what to do or how to handle the situation of getting divorced from the people we know. This is a very crucial time of life when emotions are running hot. If you tell your loved ones that your partner has up and left you,...
Do it for the kids. Separation and divorce are tough on everybody involved, and it can be even harder on children. While adults are often struggling to understand what went wrong, the kids often have no idea why their beloved parents are separating and no longer want to live together. Here we’ll look at a few tips to try and help your children through the process. Try and Maintain a Civil Relationship Some relationships end on mutual terms, and some...
Surrogacy act QLD: Are Surrogacy Arrangements Legal In Queensland? Prior to the 1st of June, 2010, the surrogacy act QLD was illegal. Since that date the laws have changed, leaving couples who can’t conceive free to source a willing surrogate mother to carry their child full term. However, there is one key condition. The surrogate mother cannot receive payment for performing the surrogacy service. This is known as the altruistic arrangements of the surrogacy act QLD. Where payment for services...
Some Common Family law Misconceptions Family law covers a whole spectrum of situations and legalities, and everyone’s circumstance is a little different. While there are definite laws in place, there are variations on these laws depending on the particular situation they are being applied to. Because the area of family law is so vast, many people harbor some common misconceptions about how family law works, and in many cases believe certain outcomes are rigid when they’re not. Let’s take a...
When a relationship ends there is a lot of focus on the pain and strain of separation and divorce, as well as negotiating parenting plans, child visitation rights, and the division of property, assets, and liabilities. Of course, all of these things are extremely important, but what about the pets law? Who gets to keep the family’s beloved cat or dog? Many people these days think of their pets as furry little children. They are just as important as any...
The term lifestyle clause has grown in popularity over recent years. It’s something that is trending with first-time newlyweds; as well as those who have walked down the aisle before. So what is a “lifestyle clause”? It’s about locking in a variety of terms and conditions before the big day in an attempt to avoid misunderstandings and conflict of interest down the track. These clauses are often added as addendums in a prenuptial agreement and are in addition to things...
How to find the best Family Lawyer for you With so many law firms to choose from it can be a difficult process to choose just the right lawyer for your needs. In this post, we’ll note a few things to be mindful of when deciding on the best family law firm for you. Do They Specialise In Family Law? Some law firms are highly specialized, while others seem to try to cover virtually every possible aspect of the law....
How to protect yourself after separation? Separating after a long-term romantic relationship can be tough to deal with on an emotional level, but dealing with the pain is only a part of what has to be done. Now is the time to also tidy up some loose ends and protect yourself now that the relationship or marriage is over. To protect yourself after separation, there are a number of things you should be doing, including the following: 1. Change Your...
Preparing For A Conciliation Conference? For a conciliation conference, you must exchange information with each other and provide information to the Court before the conference. So that you and your former partner make the best possible use of the conference, In a case about financial issues, each party must have exchanged copies of relevant financial documents with the other parties at least two days before the Case Assessment Conference. If the following documents were not exchanged prior to that conference,...
What the statistics tell us about the likely success of the “marriages” in the hugely popular Married at First Sight television program. Married at First Sight purports to marry individuals “scientifically” matched by relationship experts, who meet for the first time at the altar. Most of us know that the wedding ceremonies occurring in front of the cameras are not legally binding, but the program’s focus on the institution of marriage raises interesting questions about the legalities of marriage as...
TAKING IT TO COURT? CONGRATULATIONS! YOU AUTOMATICALLY QUALIFY FOR A FAMILY REPORT. It is inevitable that parents who institute proceedings in the family court involving their children, will if the parenting issues relating to the children are not resolved, be required to attend a conference and consult with initially a family consultant attached to the court, and if the matter proceeds further in the court process with a family report writer. Family reports by a family consultant and a family...
Top 10 Matters to think about when separating Seek advice from your accountant or financial adviser on the financial consequences arising from a separation. Work out a budget for your essential living expenses, not only for yourself but your children. List all your expenses. Download a financial statement from the Family Court website which will give a good guide to the expenses which you should consider. Do you have enough income to pay for your expenses and those of your...
Lengthy Battles It has long been recognised that the present litigious proceedings in the Family Court have not been the most appropriate means of dealing with children’s issues. The Federal Government established a review committee to advise on a system that would best deal with parenting issues. As a result of the input of this committee, the Federal Government introduced a bill into parliament called the Family Law Amendment Bill (Parenting Management Hearings) Bill 2017. This legislation provides for the...
What is The Parenting Bill? A proposed new forum for resolving family law disputes relating to children. The parenting bill proposes to establish a new statutory authority to offer self-litigants (parents who do not have legal representation) an alternative to having their matters heard in the Family or Federal Circuit Courts (The Family Courts). A vast majority of matters heard in the Family Courts involve unrepresented parties. They do not, in the main, have the knowledge or ability to fully...
The holiday season is supposed to be a time of togetherness and joy. In particular, children are able to experience the wonderment of the Christmas celebrations in a way that is very unique. However, since family members may not always get along, holiday family gatherings can bring out conflict, stress and even more tension. When splitting the responsibility of parenting it is important to minimise conflict. Here’s some well-intended advice on getting through this holiday season if you share parenting...